
We act as distributors of European business leading the bathroom sector. We ensure well-structured sales channels and their supply in an efficient and planned manner. Our differentiation lies in the level of service we provide to our customers. We currently operate mainly in the UK and in countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

We act as Commercial Agency for important European manufacturing companies by analyzing and structuring the market, attracting new customers, managing our portfolios of clients and advising on product trends. Furthermore, we advise our clients in several areas: inventory and working capital management, in project presentations, in sales point and OEM production. All it is based on the extensive experience in these areas of our management team.

Thanks to our condition of Integral Bathroom Solutions supplier and our wide network of contacts at industrial level in Europe, we are the perfect partner for project managers that search for external support in their purchases. We source projects of different typologies at national or international level.

We know that a quick and organized service is fundamental for our customers. For that reason, we have established partnerships with the main logistics operators to reach any location in the world in the shortest possible time. We dispose of our own storage method, which allows us to store various types of goods and the possibility of consolidating loads of different types of product for our customers.